Sunday, 15 January 2012

What is Kundalini? Part III - Enlightenment Or Death?


by El Collie

You hear it and you think
it’s safely Out There,
some drunken gust of midnight motion
rattling windows and thrashing walls;
some strange change of sudden weather
you think you can close down
behind locked doors, small talk, numb mind.
You crawl to bed and close your eyes.
You still hear it.
You say it’s just the wind,
just the wind,
until it breathes down your shivering back,
seizes your spine,
storms your cowering brain
and bends the branches of time.
Then you hear it, all right!
You hear it
when it grabs you dead center
and sucks you through your skin.
You hear the incredible when it happens,
when it hoists you out of yourself
and you go sailing through pyrotechnic space.
You go spinning; you go soaring;
you go right through the ceiling
and find yourself howling
like some preternatural newborn thing.
Oh, you hear it, loud and clear.
You hear it
like you never heard anything before.

© El Collie 2000

For all intents and purposes, Kundalini is shrouded in mystery. She is both a noun and a verb, and if you want to go out on a limb she could very well be an adjective. She is invisible and the channels and hubs in which she travels are also invisible. For this reason she is forgettable to those who have not experienced her. But she is not forgettable for those who do.

~ Many are drawn to Kundalini by Her shiny potentials, some as listed here:

-Free of disease, robust immune system.
-Free from misery and suffering.
-Loving and compassionate.
-Happy to be alive.
-Efficient digestion without toxin buildup.
-Excellent vision, hearing and other senses - beyond the norm
-Loss of fear and free of mental disease.
-No longer get lost in dream world, interpretation and emoting.
-Boundless energy
-Physical fitness
-Ability to super think.
-Ability to spontaneously react.
-Ability to spontaneously adapt to the changing world around oneself.

These are some of the things that draw people to Awakening their Kundalini. Anywhere that claims that you can become a veritable Enlightened Superhero Guru Master Ninja Immortal Being should not be paid attention to as they are exaggerations and falsifications.

Some websites and books, on the other hand, promote FEAR in regards to K Awakening. In some places Kundalini is called a ‘syndrome’ - (thanks, Wikipedia for that lovely morsel!) Some others speak only of the dangers and the extreme negative (potential) effects:
  • Increased sexual activity and expression, which leads to loss of vitality. All sexual desires are states of tension that demand an outlet.
  • Mental confusion, if one does not have a strong self-restraint, calm and clear thinking, and is not free from lower thought climates. Even if one gets help to awaken the force, it is completely up to the individual what the outcome will be. The ability to see if an individual is mature enough to awaken the kundalini, depends completely on the intuition, and it is undeveloped in mankind of today. (Intuition is immediate knowledge about higher truths without previous analysis.)
  • Man has also psychic bodies, that have to be developed and be able to bear the force.
  • There is great danger in disturbing the natural physical and psychic rhythm and balance, through uncontrolled stimulation of the different centers of the body. The risk is that the heart and the nervous system will be damaged and the individual will be chronically disabled, with a general deterioration of the brain, which gets overstrained. The result will be that the system collapses.
(This one was sourced from a site called Kundalini Danger! - Fear mongering, much?) I mean, system collapses? The result will be as such? How can they be so certain? 

So ~

Ultimate Enlightenment VS Total System Collapse, which is true?

I get sick even trying to tackle this debate.

As far as I know, first of all, no one has died from a K Awakening. However, my research insofar is nascent in regards to this, and given the correct circumstances I’m sure it could happen, (one cannot rule out any potential I suppose) but I may be going out on a limb here.

I have already discussed the Subtle Body and how the Kundalini Energy interacts with it, and I have already outlined the common symptoms, but here is a list from Spiritual Emergency Type:

1. Pranic movements or kriyas: Prana is the Hindu word for vital energy. As intense energy moves through the body and clears out physiological blocks, some people experience intense involuntary, jerking movements of the body, including shaking, vibrations, spasm and contraction.

2. Yogic Phenomena: Some people find themselves performing yogic postures or hand mudra gestures which they have never learned or could not do in a normal state of consciousness. Similarly, they may produce Sanskrit words or sounds. Unusual breathing patterns may appear with either very rapid or slow, shallow breathing. Some people may not breathe at all for extended periods.

3. Physiological Symptoms: Kundalini awakening often generates unusual physiological activity which can present as heart, spinal, gastrointestinal, or neurological problems. Internal sensations of burning, hypersensitivity to sensory input, hyperactivity or lethargy, great variations in sexual desire, and even spontaneous orgasm have been reported.

4. Psychological Upheaval: Emotions can swing from feelings of anxiety, guilt, and depression (with bouts of uncontrollable weeping) to compassion, love, and joy.

5. Extrasensory Experiences: Some people experience visions of lights, symbols, spiritual entities. Auditory sensations may include hearing voices, music, inner sounds or mantras. There may also be disruption of the proprioceptive system, with loss of a sense of self as a body, or an out of the body experience.

6. Psychic Phenomena: A person may experience precognition, telepathy, psychokinesis, awareness of auras and healing abilities.

7. Mystical States of Consciousness: A person may shift into altered states of consciousness where they directly perceive the unity underlying the world of separation and experience a deep peace and serenity.

As you can see here under physiological symptoms a K Awakening can present itself like physical problems but this does not mean that there are any at all. In fact, most of the time in my case and many cases I have studied there have not actually been ailments but the pantomime of ailments, if you will. In terms of extrasensory perception, psychic states and mystical states, this is where Western Medicine gets confused again, and where many people get misdiagnosed as having schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders, etc. And lastly in regards to emotional upheaval - I can tell you personally that the mood swings involved in K sometimes can be violent and totally unexpected. Sensitivities to certain stimuli grow more intense and disagreements with certain energies become repulsions. This can cause strain on personal relationships (if the physiological and mystical states have not already!) because your beloved can turn on a dime with seemingly no provocation. For the person experiencing all of this it can seem to lack rhyme or reason as well which is why it can be so difficult. I still find myself, having had an outburst of some kind or gone into some strange energetic state, putting together “Oh, that was Kundalini!“ afterthe fact.

However, on the more positive side to things, (as there could not be such darkness without radiant light) there are bouts of extreme bliss, awe, total contentment, precious pleasure and unconquerable happiness. These states can lead to a greater understanding of the physical world, the spiritual world, the afterlife; it can help to accelerate growth of relationships (less arguing, bickering), strengthen bonds with family, forge forgiveness, and last but not least it can help one to ‘quantum leap’ onto a much clearer path of what needs to be done in this lifetime. It can arouse creative desires never before sought or even known about, it can aid in letting go of negative physical and emotional habits, it can lead to a more fulfilling, organically-driven lifestyle. A larger appreciation for where food comes from, for example - a desire to praise the animals that one consumes. The desire to vacate a metropolis or large city setting may come about, as it has with me, because as mentioned above disagreeable energies, especially those that counteract the natural states/flows of K (which are wholly attune to living organically in every sense of the word) can become utterly repulsive.
One of the symptoms of a K Awakening mentioned in a previous post outlined how one might become much more sensitive to the energy of other people, and this is true. One might not become completely clairvoyant right away, sensing exactly the vibration of another or their very thoughts, but places like shopping malls, busy streets, crammed public transportation systems - these can become places of complete energetic overload. Living in a large city myself, I avoid these places at all costs and take back roads or jaunts through parks as much as possible. As a side note, I can not even express the sweet joy I feel now when I connect with nature. I always did enjoy it and appreciate its splendour, but now, especially having resided in a city for so long, my whole self  just aches for grass, trees, streams, open sky. I get so thirsty for it - it is one of the most intense primal states I am accustomed to now. The need for it is so great sometimes I think I might dive face first into a mud puddle in my city boots and peacoat just to soak up the essence of the earth. She needs it, Kundalini does, and it is best to heed these desires lest they drive you mad.
Ultimately there is the possibility for madness and physical ailments as a result of this energy being improperly assimilated. There is the possibility for any path if you manifest it. Kundalini is, as we’ve already discussed, an abstract concept, and the more we attempt to grasp it with the rational mind the more websites like Kundalini Danger! for example, are going to crop up.

Death or Enlightenment?

Back on track a little - I am explaining some of the symptoms and states more clearly as to begin illuminating the idea of Death and Kundalini. These symptoms are essentially changes that the body/mind/spirit goes through after an Awakening. Individually they are not necessarily permanent (for example, if you have some K related muscle spasms in your leg they are probably not going to last for all of eternity and beyond) but as a whole, Kundalini as a unified thing, each and every physical, physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual symptom is part of a puzzle.
That muscle twitch in your leg is an indication that some work is being done there, because that is what She does, she works on you. You become the putty, the clay, the marble, the canvas. Gently or roughly She uses her Infinite Wisdom to direct her energies to different parts of the body to tone and purify. It can feel spectacular, scary and painful. If She is in your heart and is moving some crud around in there it might cause agonizing chest disturbances, which might mimick a heart attack. If She is in your brain re-wiring certain parts it may trigger some mood swings that upset you and your partner, causing you to fight. And if She is relentlessly pushing the boundaries of your self-understanding, you will feel as though your Ego is perishing, and this is indeed one of the many forms of Death that She does bring with her. In fact, each of these examples is a form of Death. 
Since a Kundalini Awakening is a lifelong journey of change one can never hope to be the same after She erupts forth from Her dormant state. The longer one is Awakened for the further one gets from the previous self. Essentially it is just like life and how it shapes and changes people but much more drastic, unnerving, expanding and potentially Enlightening, because Her change does not allow you to rest and become stagnant. Her agenda is always to rise higher. Regardless of the perspective one has on it, positive or negative, it is hard to not see it as a pivotal moment in one’s life where all of a sudden everything is questioned that was not before in question. As I mentioned in a previous post, most ‘unawakened’ people are never given a reason to question themselves to the extent, the extreme existential extent, that K forces into the stark, unquivering limelight. People naturally develop physical, mental and emotional habits that some carry with them until their deathbeds.
Kundalini not only changes these things, but rips out their very foundations over time, or in some cases immediately (for example, my quitting smoking after 6 years on the turn of a dime and the immense passion of willpower, which will be coming up in my story). And not only does it do this, but it begins to expands one’s perceptions of everything to the point that one begins to feel quite small and humbled, which again is the Ego Death. I suppose everything can be reduced to the death of the Ego, as the Ego is essentially who and what we perceive ourselves to be in relation to the Universe. We give ourselves names, titles, roles, and we put ourselves in mental boxes. Kundalini does not complete obliterate this idea, as fundamentally I am still the same person I was when I was a child, teenager, early 20something - it’s not as though I have forgotten my name, my roots, that all of a sudden I turned inside out and you can see my skull as I walk down the street - no, no obliteration. It’s about accelerated change, quantum leaping, and understanding that I am far more than the roles I play and the flesh I exist within. There develops an expanded perception of the world. Greater abilities (if permissed by the self) to grow, develop, find proper footing, love, and shine in resonant health. These gifts, as well as all of the others I have mentioned, are certainly tools that can lead to Enlightenment if dedication to the path is adhered to.

So, in the end, Kundalini is a form of Death, but She is not Death itself.

Here are some wonderful quotes by my wonderful Teacher Chrism that are relevant to this train of thought.

“Kundalini is the key to the lock on the door of your divinity.It is the sacred rupture of the physical into the divine. The birth into an awareness of divine transition tracking the process that is usually clouded by death but now illuminated from within and loved and cherished and never forgotten.”

“It can be said with utter truthfulness that death is being experienced by you now, in its full strength and glory but without the cessation of life in the physical organism. And life is being experienced by you right now. Death and life at the same time. A gift of divinity to live and die continuously.”
© Shannon Naithair Teine, 2011.

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