Sunday, 15 January 2012

Awakened: Interviews With Peers iii: Matt Ferraiolo

This is a mini-series of interviews I have conducted with people in a facebook group called Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-1. If you too are awakened, or are going through a radical spiritual experience, you can contact them, or me, and I can get you in touch. The group is mediated by Chrism Kundalini who has been mentioned several times in this website. It is a closed group, so you will have to ask to join, but all are accepted as long as you are respectful.
These interviews are intended to provide different accounts of Awakenings, as no two are the same.
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Can you tell us a bit about yourself? (Name/approximate age/country you live in).
Matt: My name is Matt Ferraiolo, 27, from New Jersey, USA.
When did you have your Kundalini Awakening?
Matt: Tuesday 6:45-9:00am April 7, 2009
Was there anything significant that happened to you which you believe prefaced the Awakening/made it happen?
Matt: There was a long string of occurrences unfolding a year prior that led me to my awakening. After hitting rock bottom a year prior, there was a rapid change my life’s direction. It started with a simple choice to stop living in misery and fear and to start giving myself and this life a chance. I isolated myself and went into a hibernation of introspection and solitude. I became interested in meditation and within a few months experienced my first controlled astral projection. The experience played a pivotal role in my spiritual journey. Afterwards I became determined to learn more about the phenomena and began a focused practice in astral projection. Around this time I was led to Kundalini Awakening Systems after having dreams, and synchronicities revolving around kundalini. My awakening occurred a week after receiving shaktipat from my teacher.
How did the Awakening happen? Where were you? What did it feel like? How did you react to it?
Matt: Tuesday 6:45-9:00am April 7, 2009:
Last night I was up late helping my friend with his campaign. Over the course of the night I drank copious amounts of coffee. Upon returning home, too caffeinated to sleep, I attempted to astral project. Lying flat on my back in bed, I let myself fall into a trance. Upon reaching a state of deep relaxation, I began noticing some unusual hypnogagic imagery. Behind closed eyelids, the unmistakable imprint of the Sanskrit Aum symbol appeared, following faint yet discernible star tetrahedrons. While this was different than the abstract hypogagic imagery typically experienced during a deep trance, it did not strike me as anything out of the ordinary. It was not until I began experiencing what felt like very strong vibrations similar to OBE vibrations, localized at the base of my spine at my perineum, that I realized this was something different.
As the condensed vibrations in my root chakra intensified, I realized this was not OBE phenomena, this was a kundalini awakening! A warm, heavy, feeling swept across my body. An unseen force gently held my hands in place along with the rest of my body. A sensation of orgasmic, vibrating, pressurized fizz advanced from my perineum to my sacral chakra. My sacral chakra became heavily stimulated. I became extremely sexually aroused. Feelings of thankfulness, ecstasy and bliss consumed me.
When the intense sacral chakra stimulation receded, the vibrating energy moved up to my solar plexus. Following this was a strong shift in consciousness. Immediately my feet began to burn VERY HOT. I began to sweat profusely all over. My head and chest was dripping with sweat. My jaw clenched as I began to tremble and convulse. Panic and fear crossed my mind but I caught myself, and focused on my breathing, allowing myself to surrender. Even though the experience was fierce and powerful, there was an ever-present, silent, motherly reassurance that made me feel safe, despite what was happening.
Instead of continuing upwards, it repeated another cycle starting with the root chakra and back up. As the kundalini ascended to my chest I noticed burning sensations, like being dabbed with hot match heads all over my chest and shoulders. At this point the energy calmed down, flowing smoothly like warm water up and out the top of my head. From this point on there were no major sensations associated with each chakra. The duration of the whole experience was about 2 hours. I didn’t move or change positions. The entire time I felt as though there was a heavy blanket holding me in place. I probably could have moved at any point but the idea of moving never crossed my mind.
While the experience was unexpected and intense, I took comfort in the presence that was guiding me through this. For the first time I was able to surrender not only to God but to myself. I have experienced ego-loss via psychedelics but this was different, it was wiser, more compassionate and loving than any artificially induced ego-loss. It was like I was able to allow myself to be completely comfortable in my core essence. No self-judgment, or any other baggage. It was just me in the hands of God, nurturing me in a very deep and powerful way. I felt like I was set free of all the pain, sadness and baggage that I had carried with me to that point. I had been so accustomed to living in this “cage” I was not even aware of how limited and confined my experience of life was until those restraints were burned away. For the first time I was able to get a glimpse of God and my soul.
Did you know about Kundalini energy before it happened? If not, how did you find out about it?
Matt: Prior to the awakening I was practicing astral projection, meditation, trance practice, and some energy work on a regular basis. As I experienced the various phenomena associated with astral travel, I became more aware of energy, chakras, and the subtle realms. While I was learning to astral project I also heard about kundalini from time to time. It was only a few months after hearing the word for the first time that I experienced the awakening. When reading descriptions and experiences of Kundalini from other people despite it being an unfamiliar subject to me, it weirdly resonated with me in a very deep way. Many times while reading other people’s experiences, it felt very familiar, almost as though it was already predetermined to be a part of my life. Following this I began having dreams and frequently noticed the word kundalini popping up in my internet searches. Eventually this led me to my teacher.
How have your friends and family dealt with your Awakening?
Matt: At least one of friends experienced an awakening shortly after mine. I don’t talk about this with family. Most people don’t understand or like hearing about it.
How has it affected your life? How has it changed you?
Matt: Kundalini has turned my life upside down and continues to challenge me as it refines me as a person. I’ve become somewhat detached from friends, society, culture, and the things I used to like doing. The way I relate to people has changed quite a bit and continues to fluctuate. My diet has changed pretty dramatically. I do not eat meat and avoid foods that are not beneficial to my spiritual growth. My life progressively revolves around God and evolution. I am more sensitive to morals and live my life according to what feels good in my heart. It is an ongoing process. I often struggle with my own issues as it brings these up and forces me to address them. However, despite what happens, Kundalini has blessed me with an unshakable knowing that there is a God, and that life isn’t just a meaningless existence.
What are some of the key lessons you have learned from it?
Matt: Love, surrender, humbleness, forgiveness, gratitude, tolerance, acceptance, trust and hope.
What are your plans for the future?
Matt: No major plans, just to continue to follow the changes as they are presented to me, increase my devotion to God and down the line I wish to surround myself with like-minded, spiritually devoted people. Eventually I would like to be a counselor of some kind and find a way to be of service to others.
Do you have any words of advice for people reading this blog, who might be going through an Awakening themselves?
Matt: Surrender. Do not fight it. Listen to what changes kundalini is asking of you, and act on them. Remember to love and be humble. Try to see challenges as opportunities to grow, even if your ego doesn’t want it.
© Shannon Naithair Teine, 2011.

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