Sunday 15 January 2012

How To Cope: part i

I have already discussed how the Western world does not quite yet know how to deal with Kundalini, and it is certainly not known in the mainstream. This, plus the phenomena itself, can make it difficult for those of us dealing with an Awakened Kundalini to live our lives the way that we once did, might want to, or need to depending on our responsibilities in life. Despite the fact that this is ultimately a very positive transformative process it can create many obstacles in personal relationships, work relationships, one’s relationship to society as it operates, and of course the relationship to oneself.

Cytidine (factor in DNA)

Since there is little we can do as individuals (yet - we are working on this!) to change how society works as a whole, we must adapt to it the best we can. However, for someone with Kundalini it can be more challenging. The ongoing, often unpredictable symptoms of K can present a myriad of perpetual conundrums because they are so, in a word: bizarre. They can mimic illness but are unlike illness with bouts that do not mimic the normal duration of normal ailments and thus are unpredictable for work environments, as an example. They can come out of nowhere with the least provocation in the most inopportune moments (ie on the subway, in the middle of dealing with a customer, while having sex etc). They can be so confusing and intense as to render the person unable to understand what is happening, and thus causing the person to want (or have) to flee the very situation that is seemingly causing the problem - and if that is work or a relationship, it can be very troublesome. The list goes on.

I am absolutely no stranger to any of the above. And because of my perspective on the whole thing (as you may recall from reading previous posts I have been very fearful, reluctant, bitter, in denial and full of anxiety about it) a whole colourful plethora of things that used to excite, enchant and awe-inspire me now give me the shivers, things that never made me nervous before make me have panic attacks - even the most banal, ‘normal’ things people do, like go for a coffee with a friend, or go shopping downtown. I am working on this. I will tell you how. But first, to continue on this train of thought.

Because Western society is not geared towards catering to the spiritual side of people, it of course does not cater to Kundalini Awakened individuals. There are no siestas in the middle of a work day, too few parks or other green areas in many cities, and some are too bloody cold for more than half of the year to even enjoy the metropolis outdoors anyway. Everything is go, go, go, all of the time. Produce, sell, buy, more, more, more. Sensitive people and Awakened people are not necessarily going to jive with this vibration. But what do you do if you, for example, live in a city, have a career, perhaps some children, are established in your community and then have a Risen Kundalini? In other words, how does one balance the lifestyles and various strains that are put upon us while tending to the unpredictable, convoluted and abstract nature of the K?

It’s not easy. But it is possible.

Intermediate Brain Tissue

a) First of all, as was written in What is Kundalini? part III - you have to fully realize and accept that no matter what happens youcannot go back to the way things were before. Not spiritually, not mentally, and in most cases not physically. You have been cast onto a path of change, you are part of a process, and it is not the previous, more predictable process of life that you were on previously. This is perhaps the most difficult part, so take a moment if you need to. Turn the blog off. Go to bed. Wake up again tomorrow and come back to it. I have been Awakened for 5 years and I still have not fully accepted it. But I am stubborn and my Ego does not want to let go completely. You don’t have to be like this. You can make this process beautiful and graceful. Let’s continue.

Please just begin to know that you cannot go back. Integrate it into the very core of your being. Love yourself for having changed. Understand that what is happening is natural. Absolutely 100% natural. It is not a disease that you cannot escape from, it is not the Devil inside of you, it is more than a mere taste of the Divine, it is pure life and power, and it is inside of you, and that is wonderful.


b) Things are just going to be different, and you need to begin developing a relationship with this difference. This means that whenever a symptom presents itself, first and most importantly do your very best, whatever is in your power, to avoid helping yourself to FEAR what is happening. I capitalized fear because I want you to look at that word, know it with your quivering yet infallable spirit, and cast it aside as much as you can. Fearing Her will only cause stress, and we all are aware of the damage that stress can cause. Moreover, if you begin to accept that there is nothing you can do about it, you can begin to be more of a passenger in the vehicle of your ‘Kundalinied” existence. And if you allow for this, She can do her work as She needs to, unhindered by your clenched fists, mind and heart. Because the bottom line is this: She is going to do work on you whether you resist or whether you don’t. If you resist the process will take longer and it will not be as pleasant, not in the slightest. In fact, you can cause yourself to incur a hell of a lot of emotional and physical pain, not to mention heavily forged neural pathways of fear and denial in the brain that will take months, if not years, to undo - please heed me because I am speaking from experience.

So build your relationship with Her. Speak to Her, and don’t feign it, because She is within you and is listening! She is not within you to hurt you, and you must begin treating her with the same kind of love and respect as you would ideally give yourself. She is you, but she is larger and more powerful than you - remember this. But She would not be in existence, extending Her lovely tendrils into every microcosm of your entity,  if you were not in existence, so there is a symbiosis that can be reached. This is why it is important to begin taking the time that is necessary when She presents you with something new. Feel it, help yourself to accept and not fear it, and remember to breathe. Kundalini Energy is Prana, and there is much Prana healing and balancing that can be done through the breath. (Please consult What is Kundalini? Part II - The Subtle Body for information about Prana).

HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

c) If you are in an ‘inopportune’ situation while a bought of overwhelming Kundalini is taking place, be it your job, walking down the street, driving your car, or any other situation where you are not alone and cannot deal with your situation as you might while by yourself, you are perfectly justified to take some time as you need it. You don’t need to feel pressured to ’be on top of it’ all of the time. This is a tremendous mistake of our society and applies especially to Kundalini Awakened people. Generally whatever intensity is taking place will pass, but it is important to give yourself the space and time you need in order to experience what is happening and allow it to circulate through you and move on out into the world, and the cosmos. The more you do this the more you will begin integrating it into your life as opposed to anxiously pushing through it or around it in the various life circumstances that do not necessarily jive with it. The point is to forge a strong bridge and not a schism of “this is my Normal’ life over here and this is my Kundalini life over there.”

Cerebral Cortex

d) Within the relationship that you create with Her begin to create a language that you can use to communicate what you are going through that can please almost anyone. The goal I always have in mind is to manipulate the language as such to communicate what I am going through without being too spiritually intense about it, especially in work/business related situations. If you have already told your friends/family/lovers what you’re going through and they are still kicking around, then use whatever airy-fairy, hippy-dippy, ultra-spiritual language you want! However, in terms of the outside world, or perhaps family/friends/lovers who are not so supportive, I find it very useful  to use terms that are descriptive but do not condescend upon your own condition (for example saying you have an anxiety problem intead of what is actually an intense K energy rush. You do not want to take away from yourself in order to appeal to the sometimes small framework of other people’s understandings. First of all it makes you look less certain of yourself (and let’s face it, you probably aren’t while going through this, but you can at least be certain that you don’t have a medical problem that requires medication), and second of all it is just utterly false and it will only succeed in alienating you from yourself and the people you are lying to. You do not want to be ‘stuck in the closet’ so to speak with your own spirtual condition, even (or especially) in the workplace, and you don’t have to be. Make light of the situation but never degrade yourself. Humour goes a long, long way and so do vaguely abstract terms that both help you connect with yourself and others.
© Shannon Naithair Teine, 2011.

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