Sunday, 15 January 2012

Awakened: Interviews With Peers i: Ryan Lee Probert

This is a mini-series of interviews I have conducted with people in a facebook group calledKundalini-Awakening-Systems-1. If you too are awakened, or are going through a radical spiritual experience, you can contact them, or me, and I can get you in touch. The group is mediated byChrism Kundalini who has been mentioned several times in this website. It is a closed group, so you will have to ask to join, but all are accepted as long as you are respectful. 
These interviews are intended to provide different accounts of Awakenings, as no two are the same. 
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Can you tell us a bit about yourself? (Name/approximate age/country you live in).
Ryan: My name is Ryan Probert, I was born 2/2/1989 and I live in Wales (England). 
When did you have your Kundalini Awakening? 
Ryan: I underwent my awakening during my final year of university in 2010. My awakening was not sudden but has been progressive and gentle, it started with the opening of the third eye chakra and has been ongoing but gradual ever since. 
Was there anything significant that happened to you which you believe prefaced the Awakening/made it happen?
Ryan: I believe at the time of my awakening, I underwent some very difficult emotional experiences but I was also meditating and practising Buddhism heavily. I threw myself into Buddhism at a time of crisis and the awakening was what resulted.
How did the Awakening happen? Where were you? What did it feel like? How did you react to it?
Ryan: My awakening took place as I was meditating in my student house. I was meditating before my shrine when I felt the energy exit my third eye. I reacted out of fear as it felt as though my spirit was about to exit my body and I wasn’t ready for that. Also feelings of energy surges, feelings of my hands floating up and down, warmth and bliss accompanied it.
Did you know about Kundalini energy before it happened? If not, how did you find out about it?
Ryan: I had no idea what K was before the awakening but I was aware of chakras and so forth. I did much online research to find out what had happened and see if anyone else had the experience and I eventually found Chrism Kundalini on Youtube then the K group on facebook.
How have your friends and family dealt with your Awakening?
Ryan: The challenges involved in surrendering to an awakening can cause one to begin acting in ways that your friends and family will not understand. I have told some people about it but they mostly didn’t take it seriously of forgot it. These days I choose not to discuss it with others unless they are K awakened or are aware of it.
How has it affected your life? How has it changed you? 
Ryan: K has allowed me to understand the nature of mind and the general nature of humans. Things that I once held as important in my life are not as important to me anymore because I realize that in life, things only have as much meaning or importance as you choose to give them. MY understanding of ego and the realisation of how prominent my ego was/is has become profound in comparison to before the awakening, it never ceases to amaze me - the way in which people in this world live under pretense and delusion without even realizing it. Your reality is simply how you choose to perceive it.
What are some of the key lessons you have learned from Kundalini?
Ryan: Many things in life are within your control, but some things are not. You work with your circumstances to progress and shouldn’t try to escape from the reality of what is happening in your life; investigate and work for the better is generally how I feel at this moment in time, and don’t torture yourself over things like guilt because of the [times; opportunities] gone past. 
What are your plans for the future?
Ryan: Whatever I feel inspired by or whatever makes me feel happy is what i think I’ll pursue. contentment is the greatest thing to pursue, or at least that’s how I feel right now.
Do you have any words of advice for people reading this blog, who might be going through an Awakening themselves?
Ryan: It can be strange and incredible: do not fight it, do not assume to understand it- just experience it, work with it, talk with other K people if you feel and take on the lessons as they come. Drop your urge to control (control is an expression of ego), do your best each day to trust K and realize that you are in an evolutionary process, this means it may be challenging but ultimately you are moving towards something great. It’s not a race, don’t try to reach the end, don’t try to go back, stay with your journey here and now and remember to keep nice and patient. It is refining you, not destroying you - you are going to enlightenment. 
© Shannon Naithair Teine, 2011.

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