This is another excerpt from Gabriel Morris’s book “Kundalini and the Art of Being”. This brief section talks about his understanding of the Kundalini energy and how to deal with it.
“I should mention that ultimately, in my experience at least, the
only way to truly align with this force is to bring it directly through
your being—allowing it rise up through all of the chakras and purify
them. Denying it, ignoring it, or finding other channels for the energy
that move it out or away from you will only prolong the time it
takes to transform the nervous system. Once the Kundalini has been
activated within an individual, there seems to be no way to shove it
back down or to get around dealing with it. It has to be allowed to
come into the chakric system, flow freely and work its magic—or it
will simply remain in a state of imbalance and
ungroundedness, and thus continue to be experienced as pain, rather
than as the deep vitality that is its true nature. Once the Kundalini
power is fully awakened, it cannot effectively be controlled or overpowered,
it cannot be avoided, it cannot be accepted within constricting
limitations of the mind, it cannot be channeled around the
self, because the pain of its coming into one’s soul is too much to
bear. Once arisen, Kundalini will take you on a wild ride that won’t
let up until it has found total acceptance and balance.
Again, this is purely my own experience and subjective understanding.
Not all who undergo Kundalini awakening go through the
same challenges that I faced. The experience is particular to each individual—
some apparently report simply experiencing a rush of bliss
that invigorates their mind; others say that they find themselves unable
to sleep, yet fully energized, for weeks at a time; others have
something resembling an out-of-body experience. There are plenty
of books on the subject (which I eventually came across, months
after my experience).
Pain and suffering relating to Kundalini is, as always, simply a
matter of imbalance and blocked energy of some sort. If the chakric
centers are fairly open and clear when the Kundalini is activated, less
pain will be experienced, because there are fewer blockages in the
energy’s path as it rises to the crown chakra. I guess that I had my
share of roadblocks in the way that needed to be rammed through. I
know that’s more or less what it felt like.
Ultimately, Kundalini is simply the pure energy of conscious being.
It has the power to fully clear our physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual bodies, if we allow it to. It is a positive force, even if it
can be difficult to deal with in many cases. But be careful—awakening
the Kundalini by trying to force it can be dangerous, as the power
of this energy might be beyond a person’s ability to handle. Heart attacks
may, in some circumstances, actually be the result of premature
Kundalini arousal. The heart center is the balancing point between
the crown chakra and the root chakra. If the mind is overwhelmed
by this force and can’t stay present enough to balance with it, the
heart may simply give up and quit. I don’t think it’s a coincidence
that I was having heart trouble myself, just prior to my Kundalini
The electric shocks that I was experiencing, I realize now, were
the result of my mind coming into contact with the lower-chakra
Kundalini fire and struggling to integrate with it. If viewed in terms of
electro-magnetism, then the mind, or thought, is the positive, electric
force (masculine), and the Kundalini is the negative, magnetic force
(feminine). Whenever they touched one another, I experienced a sudden
electric shock, as the magnetic and electric forces snapped back
together. These two apparently opposing energies were actually trying
to find balance and alignment within my consciousness—though
it felt more like a battle raging through me.
Seen in a broader context, these two energies of masculine and
feminine have been battling one another all through human history,
as men and women struggling to find balance with each other—
women generally being subdued, suppressed and oppressed by men.
Putting the pieces together, I can now understand one of the reasons
why men can be afraid of women’s power—when experienced out
of balance, it feels like an electric shock!
But one must understand that these imbalances, in the form of
electric shocks and everything else that was occurring within my nervous
system, do not have to last indefinitely. This is merely what one
may feel as these polarized energies come back together into their
more natural state of union, and the old charge of tension is released.
It may feel more like a terrifying collision than union at the time,
since there is so much contentious energy between the masculine
and the feminine. But this is part of the process involved in healing
their differences, so that they may experience one another as two
aspects of a unified entity, rather than as two opposing forces.
In dealing with overwhelming Kundalini awakening, it is imperative
to feel and listen to the energy as best you can. Allow it to tell
you what it needs and inform you when you are correctly opening
your consciousness to it. I found that it is important not to impose
any regulated routines on the process, unless they really seem to be
in sync with your own particular situation. The Kundalini energy
must be allowed to evolve and develop as it needs, and this may be
drastically different in every moment. The symptoms and experiences
from person to person seem to differ profoundly, and the different
forms of healing needed for each individual will be equally varied.
Meditation isn’t necessarily advised following the awakening of
Kundalini (according to a number of sources I came across), because
of the tendency for the mind to try to control the energy, either by increasing
the flow to force it through, or else by suppressing it. Either
tactic will serve only to heighten the pain experienced. Ultimately,
of course, it is different for everyone, and so the real test is merely
to try whatever you think might help and see how it feels. It will be
fairly obvious what is or isn’t effective in the healing process. If your
approach is denying the Kundalini energy, it will create greater pain,
whereas if it allows the energy to flow freely through your chakric
system, then you should feel more relaxed, centered, and grounded.
In regards to diet, I would recommend trying different foods to
discover what may or may not meet your individual needs. For
example, if you’re a vegetarian, you might consider eating meat.
Although I was a strict vegetarian at the time, I wish that I had considered
eating meat to see if it might have helped in the grounding
process. Grounding is vital in handling the Kundalini energy. It can
be achieved in many ways, one of which is through diet. Meat is a
dense energy and may help to bring a person more into their body
and lower-chakra energies and thus to anchor the energy. Basically,
anything that helps you get your feet more firmly planted on the
ground is probably a good thing.
And don’t forget one of the most ancient and commonly practiced
spiritual exercises—when in doubt, breathe! Too often, I’ve found
myself in a state of stress and tension, only to realize that I’m not adequately
breathing. Breath is indeed life, and deep breathing signals
an intention and willingness to be in the present moment. No matter
where you are or what you’re doing, taking deeper breaths will
likely be of great help, especially in the case of transmuting spiritual
energies. Kundalini, prana and chi are all closely intertwined, and
they may even be precisely the same thing, just different words. (I
don’t claim to be an expert on any of them, so someone else might
disagree.) Either way, breathing deeply helps get the prana flowing;
this in turn helps clear chakric blockages, where the energy needs
to flow freely. The more you can help the Kundalini to carry out its
intrinsic objective of unifying with the crown chakra, the quicker it
will be able to evolve and transform your nervous system, and in so
doing take you from a state of pain and desperation, to the spiritual
healing and wholeness which is its ultimate goal.
Though it would be ideal to find guidance, suggestions, and healing
techniques from an outside teacher who is experienced with this
phenomenon, understand that, ultimately, Kundalini itself is the teacher.
It might be more convenient if there were a simple, straightforward
program to follow in dealing with these intense and erratic Kundalini
symptoms. But in my understanding, this is not possible.. Although
you may have to go through it alone, there is much that can be done
to ease the discomfort and facilitate healing while aligning with the
energy. As mentioned, a key aspect of the healing process is to do
whatever brings you more into your body. The experience of the
electric and magnetic energies battling it out can be so painful that
the reaction is to try to get out of what may seem to be the cause of
the pain—the body itself. But the body only gives pain in response
to energetic imbalance, and so is actually the most effective place to
be if you want to heal—because it will tell you right where these
imbalances are. If you go deeper into the pain and discomfort instead
of moving away from it, then you can find its source and resolve it.
Using the body in mutual cooperation with the more subtle spiritual
energies is essential in facilitating healing.
If you don’t know what to do, then try whatever you feel might help.
Pay attention to the effects of whatever you try. Allow your deeper
knowing/higher self to guide you through the process. Fully live the experience,
to the extent that you can. Go walking or jogging, work in the
garden, take lots of warm showers, go to hot springs, do yoga or tai chi,
sing and dance, walk barefoot, meditate if you find it helpful, practice
whatever spiritual discipline you normally practice, read about other
people’s experience with Kundalini (such as you’re currently doing), and
seek out people having similarly strange or difficult experiences. Basically,
make a point of doing something, of getting out and living your
life, rather than simply freezing up in fear and pain. It’s remarkable how
small, subtle things can completely change your point of view sometimes,
just by getting the energy moving in the right direction. Basically,
what it all comes down to is: Energy not moving is painful; energy moving
feels good. So, do whatever helps you to get the energy moving.”
“I should mention that ultimately, in my experience at least, the
only way to truly align with this force is to bring it directly through
your being—allowing it rise up through all of the chakras and purify
them. Denying it, ignoring it, or finding other channels for the energy
that move it out or away from you will only prolong the time it
takes to transform the nervous system. Once the Kundalini has been
activated within an individual, there seems to be no way to shove it
back down or to get around dealing with it. It has to be allowed to
come into the chakric system, flow freely and work its magic—or it
will simply remain in a state of imbalance and
ungroundedness, and thus continue to be experienced as pain, rather
than as the deep vitality that is its true nature. Once the Kundalini
power is fully awakened, it cannot effectively be controlled or overpowered,
it cannot be avoided, it cannot be accepted within constricting
limitations of the mind, it cannot be channeled around the
self, because the pain of its coming into one’s soul is too much to
bear. Once arisen, Kundalini will take you on a wild ride that won’t
let up until it has found total acceptance and balance.
Again, this is purely my own experience and subjective understanding.
Not all who undergo Kundalini awakening go through the
same challenges that I faced. The experience is particular to each individual—
some apparently report simply experiencing a rush of bliss
that invigorates their mind; others say that they find themselves unable
to sleep, yet fully energized, for weeks at a time; others have
something resembling an out-of-body experience. There are plenty
of books on the subject (which I eventually came across, months
after my experience).
Pain and suffering relating to Kundalini is, as always, simply a
matter of imbalance and blocked energy of some sort. If the chakric
centers are fairly open and clear when the Kundalini is activated, less
pain will be experienced, because there are fewer blockages in the
energy’s path as it rises to the crown chakra. I guess that I had my
share of roadblocks in the way that needed to be rammed through. I
know that’s more or less what it felt like.
Ultimately, Kundalini is simply the pure energy of conscious being.
It has the power to fully clear our physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual bodies, if we allow it to. It is a positive force, even if it
can be difficult to deal with in many cases. But be careful—awakening
the Kundalini by trying to force it can be dangerous, as the power
of this energy might be beyond a person’s ability to handle. Heart attacks
may, in some circumstances, actually be the result of premature
Kundalini arousal. The heart center is the balancing point between
the crown chakra and the root chakra. If the mind is overwhelmed
by this force and can’t stay present enough to balance with it, the
heart may simply give up and quit. I don’t think it’s a coincidence
that I was having heart trouble myself, just prior to my Kundalini
The electric shocks that I was experiencing, I realize now, were
the result of my mind coming into contact with the lower-chakra
Kundalini fire and struggling to integrate with it. If viewed in terms of
electro-magnetism, then the mind, or thought, is the positive, electric
force (masculine), and the Kundalini is the negative, magnetic force
(feminine). Whenever they touched one another, I experienced a sudden
electric shock, as the magnetic and electric forces snapped back
together. These two apparently opposing energies were actually trying
to find balance and alignment within my consciousness—though
it felt more like a battle raging through me.
Seen in a broader context, these two energies of masculine and
feminine have been battling one another all through human history,
as men and women struggling to find balance with each other—
women generally being subdued, suppressed and oppressed by men.
Putting the pieces together, I can now understand one of the reasons
why men can be afraid of women’s power—when experienced out
of balance, it feels like an electric shock!
But one must understand that these imbalances, in the form of
electric shocks and everything else that was occurring within my nervous
system, do not have to last indefinitely. This is merely what one
may feel as these polarized energies come back together into their
more natural state of union, and the old charge of tension is released.
It may feel more like a terrifying collision than union at the time,
since there is so much contentious energy between the masculine
and the feminine. But this is part of the process involved in healing
their differences, so that they may experience one another as two
aspects of a unified entity, rather than as two opposing forces.
In dealing with overwhelming Kundalini awakening, it is imperative
to feel and listen to the energy as best you can. Allow it to tell
you what it needs and inform you when you are correctly opening
your consciousness to it. I found that it is important not to impose
any regulated routines on the process, unless they really seem to be
in sync with your own particular situation. The Kundalini energy
must be allowed to evolve and develop as it needs, and this may be
drastically different in every moment. The symptoms and experiences
from person to person seem to differ profoundly, and the different
forms of healing needed for each individual will be equally varied.
Meditation isn’t necessarily advised following the awakening of
Kundalini (according to a number of sources I came across), because
of the tendency for the mind to try to control the energy, either by increasing
the flow to force it through, or else by suppressing it. Either
tactic will serve only to heighten the pain experienced. Ultimately,
of course, it is different for everyone, and so the real test is merely
to try whatever you think might help and see how it feels. It will be
fairly obvious what is or isn’t effective in the healing process. If your
approach is denying the Kundalini energy, it will create greater pain,
whereas if it allows the energy to flow freely through your chakric
system, then you should feel more relaxed, centered, and grounded.
In regards to diet, I would recommend trying different foods to
discover what may or may not meet your individual needs. For
example, if you’re a vegetarian, you might consider eating meat.
Although I was a strict vegetarian at the time, I wish that I had considered
eating meat to see if it might have helped in the grounding
process. Grounding is vital in handling the Kundalini energy. It can
be achieved in many ways, one of which is through diet. Meat is a
dense energy and may help to bring a person more into their body
and lower-chakra energies and thus to anchor the energy. Basically,
anything that helps you get your feet more firmly planted on the
ground is probably a good thing.
And don’t forget one of the most ancient and commonly practiced
spiritual exercises—when in doubt, breathe! Too often, I’ve found
myself in a state of stress and tension, only to realize that I’m not adequately
breathing. Breath is indeed life, and deep breathing signals
an intention and willingness to be in the present moment. No matter
where you are or what you’re doing, taking deeper breaths will
likely be of great help, especially in the case of transmuting spiritual
energies. Kundalini, prana and chi are all closely intertwined, and
they may even be precisely the same thing, just different words. (I
don’t claim to be an expert on any of them, so someone else might
disagree.) Either way, breathing deeply helps get the prana flowing;
this in turn helps clear chakric blockages, where the energy needs
to flow freely. The more you can help the Kundalini to carry out its
intrinsic objective of unifying with the crown chakra, the quicker it
will be able to evolve and transform your nervous system, and in so
doing take you from a state of pain and desperation, to the spiritual
healing and wholeness which is its ultimate goal.
Though it would be ideal to find guidance, suggestions, and healing
techniques from an outside teacher who is experienced with this
phenomenon, understand that, ultimately, Kundalini itself is the teacher.
It might be more convenient if there were a simple, straightforward
program to follow in dealing with these intense and erratic Kundalini
symptoms. But in my understanding, this is not possible.. Although
you may have to go through it alone, there is much that can be done
to ease the discomfort and facilitate healing while aligning with the
energy. As mentioned, a key aspect of the healing process is to do
whatever brings you more into your body. The experience of the
electric and magnetic energies battling it out can be so painful that
the reaction is to try to get out of what may seem to be the cause of
the pain—the body itself. But the body only gives pain in response
to energetic imbalance, and so is actually the most effective place to
be if you want to heal—because it will tell you right where these
imbalances are. If you go deeper into the pain and discomfort instead
of moving away from it, then you can find its source and resolve it.
Using the body in mutual cooperation with the more subtle spiritual
energies is essential in facilitating healing.
If you don’t know what to do, then try whatever you feel might help.
Pay attention to the effects of whatever you try. Allow your deeper
knowing/higher self to guide you through the process. Fully live the experience,
to the extent that you can. Go walking or jogging, work in the
garden, take lots of warm showers, go to hot springs, do yoga or tai chi,
sing and dance, walk barefoot, meditate if you find it helpful, practice
whatever spiritual discipline you normally practice, read about other
people’s experience with Kundalini (such as you’re currently doing), and
seek out people having similarly strange or difficult experiences. Basically,
make a point of doing something, of getting out and living your
life, rather than simply freezing up in fear and pain. It’s remarkable how
small, subtle things can completely change your point of view sometimes,
just by getting the energy moving in the right direction. Basically,
what it all comes down to is: Energy not moving is painful; energy moving
feels good. So, do whatever helps you to get the energy moving.”
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